As there is no lockdown, we can roam outside but the second wave of COVID-19 in India is hitting the country hard. There is a huge risk factor of getting infected because this second wave of coronavirus in India is so dangerous and spreading very fast. Well, relaxations are there in going from one place to another as compared to previous lockdown phases but one thing is the same, i.e. ‘Coronavirus’. Some offices, IT firms, and other companies are also allowed to be operated with approx. 50% or more efficiency whereas some states are under complete lockdown. Well, whatever the situation is, we can just keep ourselves safe by taking more and more precautions, and also, we must pray for the rest of the world to be safe and a happy place for the survival of humankind.
In this worst situation, we all have to step outside for grocery, for office, and other essential services, but there are some essentials items that everyone should keep with themselves when they step out from their homes during this second wave of coronavirus in India. Let’s have a look.
A Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is the best option to go for where the use of soap or liquid hand-wash is not reliable. When you step out of your home for office or for buying groceries, you have to deal with a lot of public places and the probability of getting the infection is highest at such places.
Hand sanitizer is one of the COVID-19 essentials thus, keeping a hand sanitizer with you in your bag can be your saviour there. Within a couple of seconds, you can get rid of such bacteria and viruses just by rubbing the sanitizer on your hands.
Especially to deal with the second wave of Coronavirus in India, govt and other health agencies have advised using such sanitizer which contains between 60-70% alcohol content in it.
Lifebuoy hand Sanitizer : Buy on Amazon
Face Mask

By seeing the peak of cases of coronavirus, almost all the people are on alert. All people have to manage their work along with their health during coronavirus pandemic. You have to go to the office and for other works; nothing is in our hands except taking proper precautions so that we will not get infected with the second wave of coronavirus in India.
The face mask is another essential precaution that you must take whenever you step out of your home. As we know, coronavirus can be transmitted from one person to another by tiny droplets that come out when a person sneezes or coughs. A face mask can act as a shield between the tiny droplets and your nose and mouth.
Social distancing and the use of face masks are highly recommended when you step out of your house during this pandemic. We request all to keep your mouth and nose covered with a face mask whenever needed. Now, Indian authorities have also advised wearing a double mask as it may help you to be on the safer side.
Sorry girls, our sympathy is with you. It may be very difficult for you to carry a face mask over your makeup. But, NO CHOICE! Make face mask your all-time friend and carry it with you while stepping out.
Cotton Face Mask : Buy on Amazon
COVID Safe Personal Key
Have you heard about it? Not yet?
If no, let’s have a look on it.

We hope now you have an idea what this device is. COVID-Safe Personal Key is uniquely designed to avoid touching public places with your hands.
This tool is helpful in the following ways.
- To push/pull doors
- To press ATM keys
- To open car handles
- To press elevator buttons
- To carry a shopping bag or handbag
And so on.
Don’t you think it is the most essential thing to carry with you in your bag?
Main feature of COVID safe personal key.
- Light, compact & easy to carry
- Specially designed with sanitizer case to keep the key sanitized after every use
- Comes with a belt holder
- Made in India product
- Made with ABS and EPDM foam to absorb sanitizer in it.
Public places have now become the hotspots of the coronavirus. You can maintain social distancing but you can’t avoid touching contaminated public surfaces. Thus, keeping this COVID-19 essential with you will always save you from touching unwanted public surfaces.
Hope you understand the need of this time and make this COVID-19 essential safe personal key, a part of your routine.
COVID-Safe Personal Key : Buy on Amazon
Water bottle, food or snacks
God forbid if you stuck somewhere in traffic for a long while travelling for work or to home. Well, in that case, to opt for an outside snack or packed water bottle is a big NO. You must keep a water bottle and a small snack in your bag to handle your small hunger.
You can keep a protein bar which is a healthy option to satisfy your cravings. Also, if it is possible to carry home-made lunch to your office, make it happen without any doubt. Avoid outside food and water as much as possible.
Now we think it’s clear that why we have included this as a COVID-19 essential. Make sure to have it in your bag next time.
Aarogya Setu App

Arogya Setu App is designed to keep you updated with your health and also, it helps you in detecting coronavirus infected person nearby you. Isn’t it amazing?
You just need to download this app and enter your details about location and all. It will automatically detect the situation of coronavirus patient around you.
Most importantly, the Indian Government has issued guidelines that it is mandatory to activate this app on your phone especially at airports or other security bounded areas.
So, how we could forget to place this app in COVID-19 essentials list.
Click here to download Aarogya Setu App
Note: Now the vaccine registration has started for 18+ people. Getting vaccinated is important and should be an utmost priority. You can register yourself for COVID vaccination on Aarogya Setu App or on
Final words
We all are going through a very tough time. Many people are going a lot of mental stress but always remember dark clouds are not permanent. It is just a bad phase in everyone’s life and it will pass out soon. Just keep yourself motivated and safe. Take proper precautions wherever needed and update yourself with the ongoing situation and government guidelines.
Do you think we missed anything on our list? How you are dealing with the situation while travelling for work during the second wave of coronavirus in India?
We would love to hear from you in the comment section below.
Stay Safe. Stay Motivated.
Prayers for the world!
Quite useful and well written
Thank you Rohan!