How to get glowing skin in summer – 9 hydration tips

Many of you may wonder, how your skin could get affected so quickly by climate change? But, yes, it is true that your skin gets affected by climate change because it is made up of thousands of sensitive cells and tissues which may break down due to excess heat or humidity or dryness. So, it’s very important to maintain a healthy balance between your skin and the outer climate conditions.

Additionally, if we talk especially about summer, it gets more difficult to keep the skin healthy and glowing due to harsh UV sun rays. UV rays are the ones which can cause skin cell breakage and make them dehydrated. But it’s not difficult to achieve the skincare goals, you just need to be a little dedicated to a skin regime and routine that is to be followed. Wondering how? Don’t worry we are here to provide you basic minimal tips to keep your skin hydrated and glowing this summer of 2022.

Tips to keep skin hydrated and glowing during summer.

Drink enough amount of water.

Well, you have read this tip in so many blogs but yes this is one of the universal truths in the skincare world that no one can deny. Basically, dehydration leads your skin cells to break and due to loss of moisture, your skin feels dull and dry. Enough water helps your body to flush out toxins which ultimately helps your skin get rid of the excess oil. Hence, don’t let your skin water-deficient again. Drink at least two litres of water on an average day. Also, you can include some fresh fruit juices and some other summer drinks in your daily diet routine.

For more information about healthy summer drinks, you can read here.

A gel-based moisturizer: A lifesaver in summer!

There are a variety of moisturisers on the market that becomes a big deal for a consumer to choose the perfect one. But, if you know your skin better, you need not to go mad and confused. It’s all about how much you know about your skin? Like, What does your skin need? How does it react to a new ingredient-based product? And, How does it react in a different climate? When you know these answers, you are good to go choose the perfect moisturizer that fits your skin.

However, we are here to talk especially about summer, so gel-based moisturizers could be your lifesavers in this scorching summer. They are non-sticky and mix with the skin so easily, that you no need to blend them so harshly. Getting glowing skin in summer is just a step away, continue reading for some more amazing and super easy tips.


Yes, sunscreen is one of the essentials to be with you when you step out in harsh summer. Above all, sunscreen not only protects you from harmful UV rays but also saves your skin from looking oily and greasy. Moreover, it is important to carefully choose your sunscreen according to your skin type. If you end up choosing the wrong sunscreen, your skin will look dull. So, get your perfect sunscreen right away and fulfil your journey towards glowing skin in summer.

Click here to buy some affordable sunscreens this summer.

Also, if you want to know more about sunscreen, read here.

Aloe vera gel

We hope you remember our ‘hello aloe’ phrase that we keep using in our skincare articles. Actually, aloe vera has soothing properties that help your skin to heal and feel refreshed. To get glowing skin in summer, aloe vera can save you from sunburns or irritation. Apply aloe vera gel (if possible organic one) on your skin and massage gently thrice a week. It will heal your skin from the damage that has to happen due to harmful sun rays.

Get some organic aloe gel, click here.

Use hyaluronic acid

First of all, you should be aware of the benefits of hyaluronic acid, i.e., to intact the water molecules within your skin in order to keep it hydrated. This is a superhero ingredient that helps you get glowing skin in summer. Hyaluronic acid is a great humectant that provides hydration to your skin all day long.

Grab a face mist

Mists got popular over a period of time when consumers start noticing the difference in using them over water. Basically, washing your face again and again with water could be harmful as it causes dry skin and skin cells to break. Therefore, mists could be a handy and reliable solution to provide you with mid-way hydration when it needs the most. Above all, mists come with additional ingredients to benefit your skin. To get glowing skin in summer becomes easier with a good face mist.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol

No matter what you apply to your skin, be it an expensive moisturizer or serum, your skin will be what you feed your body. Junk and oily food activate your glands that produce extra sebum that causes oily and greasy skin. In the same way, alcohol, coffee and other caffeinated products produce excess inner body heat that ultimately shows up on your face in the form of dullness, acne and pigmentation. Briefly, excess caffeine and alcohol could be the major obstacle in your journey to get glowing skin in summer.

Home remedies really help!

Basically, home remedies are practices that need dedication, proper knowledge and consistency. Most of them are not for instant effects. If we include home remedies in our daily skincare regime, believe us, it could save you several bucks. Common ingredients like turmeric, gram flour and cinnamon, etc. are very beneficial for skin and health. You can apply them as a face pack or include them in your diet. Similarly, foods like tomatoes and papaya are good in providing good hydration to your skin. Rubbing their peels on your skin could be your new face pack. Yeahh! Try and tell us how do you feel?

Avoid layered makeup

Usually, when it comes to makeup, one needs to be extra careful about what they are going to apply on their face. Most people don’t know about the products and the ingredients that their makeup artist has applied to their skin. Just be careful if you are one of them. So, talking about glowing skin in summer, you should avoid multiple-layer makeup. Let your skin breathe by applying minimal makeup products. In summer, your skin is prone to produce more oil, that excess oil and makeup layer could be the reason for skin dullness, irritation and other skin problems.

Which one tip do you already use to get glowing skin in summer? Or If you have any other tips you would like to share, we would love to hear them in the comments!

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