Most of us know that the fame as well as the importance of vitamin E to the normal functioning of the human body, especially for the skin. If you notice in many skincare products, vitamin E is one of the most commonly used ingredients for years. It is an essential nutrient found naturally in your body and in certain foods. In fact, when vitamin E is paired with vitamin C they act more effectively which is why many serum contains both. So, incorporating vitamin E into our daily skincare routine is the best way to take care of the skin.
But, do you know what exactly is vitamin E and therefore the ways to use vitamin E in the skin?. Here it is:
What is Vitamin E?
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble, essential nutrient with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin E plays a major role in maintaining skin health and appearance. The best source of vitamin E is in fact found in nutrient-rich foods, sometimes you will find it in supplement form, and as an ingredient in products applied externally.
Is Vitamin E Good for Skin?
Basically, our body needs various vitamins for proper functioning and overall development. To take care of healthy skin Vitamin E is important – it not only maintains healthy skin but also helps to get rid of burns, stretch marks, and scars. The daily use of vitamin E for skin helps to rejuvenate and therefore the powerful antioxidant property protects your cells from free radicals.
What are the Ways to Use Vitamin E for Skin?
There are only two ways to use vitamin E for skin:
(i) Intake as a Supplement
(ii) Directly applying to your Skin
By using both ways, you will get a similar result.

How to Apply Vitamin E for Skin?
1. For Skin Whitening
When you combine vitamin E with vitamin C, they act as a natural sun protector and also brightens your skin. Here is a simple mask you can apply to your skin.
- Vitamin E Capsule – 2
- Curd – 2Tbsp
- Lemon Juice – 1Tsp
How to Apply?
- Puncture the vitamin E capsule, mix the oil with the curd and lemon juice
- Apply the mixture on your face and leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes
- Finally, rinse with normal water
Note: To get the best result, use this face mask twice every week
In this mask, where vitamin E and curd helps to cleanse your skin by removing the impurities. The lactic acid in curd nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Lemon juice is employed for skin lightening.
2. To Reduce Acne Scars
The antioxidant property of vitamin E helps to repair the damaged skin cells and makes your skin look healthy and also free from acne scars or blemishes.
- Vitamin E Capsule – 1
How to Apply?
- Extract the oil from a vitamin E capsule and apply the oil where acne scars are present
- Leave it overnight and wash your face the very morning
Note: To get the best result, do this procedure regularly until the marks disappear
3. For Soft and Glowing Skin
To get soft and glowing skin along with vitamin E oil all you need is:
- Papaya Paste – 2Tbsp
- Organic Honey – 1Tsp
- Vitamin E Capsule -2
How to Apply?
- Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture to your face
- Leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes
- Wash it off with normal water
Note: Use this mask twice or thrice every week to get the best result
Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which acts as a skin lightening agent (i.e., it reduces the blemishes and dark spots). Vitamin E oil nourishes your skin and repairs the damaged skin cells, and honey keeps the skin moisturized.
4. For Smooth Skin
To prepare a face mask for smooth skin all you need is:
- Aloe Vera Gel – 2Tbsp
- Vitamin E Capsule – 1
How to Apply?
- Puncture the vitamin E capsule, mix the oil with aloe vera gel
- Apply this mask on your face and allow it to dry about 15 – 20 minutes
- Wash it off normal water
Note: Use this mask twice or thrice every week to get the best result
The antioxidant property in both aloe vera and vitamin E gives you a double attack against dark spots on the skin. It also gives you a fresh look, soft, and smooth skin
5. For Dry Skin
Regular skin care is necessary if you are going through a dry skin problem.
- Vitamin E Capsule – 2
- Milk – 2Tbsp
- Honey – 2Tbsp
How to Apply?
- Squeeze the oil from the vitamin E capsule and mix it with the other two ingredients
- Apply this mixture on your face and leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes
- Finally, rinse with lukewarm water
Note: Use this mask, twice every week for better results
Undoubtedly, vitamin E oil help to repair damaged skin cells and nourishes the skin. It also helps you to achieve soft, hydrating skin. Milk and honey help to lock the moisture content within the skin and also it is the proven ingredient that is used to prevent dry skin.
6. Vitamin E Oil for Skin Allergy Treatment
A combination of vitamin E oil with another oil provides you relief from allergies, reduces inflammation, and provides you a soothing effect on the skin.
- Vitamin-E Capsule – 1
- Extra Virgin Coconut Oil – 3Tsp
- Tea Tree Essential Oil – 2 Drops
- Lavender Essential Oil – 2 Drops
How to Apply?
- Mix all the ingredients and apply them to your skin and massage gently in a circular motion in the affected area.
- Leave it on for about 30 minutes and at last wash it off with cold water.
Note: Do this procedure twice daily to get the best result
The anti-inflammatory property of lavender essential oil and vitamin E gives you a soothing effect on the skin. And the antimicrobial property in tea tree oil and coconut oil facilitates the skin to start out healing.
7. Vitamin E Oil for Dark Circles
The antioxidant property in vitamin E oil can reduce the blemishes, dark spots, and dark circles from your face.
- Vitamin E Capsule – 2
How to Apply?
- Extract the oil from the vitamin E capsule which should be directly applied to the affected area around the eyes
- Leave it overnight and wash it with normal water the very next morning
Note: You can do this regularly until you achieve the targeted results
When you left vitamin E oil on the face overnight, it repairs the collagen and also fades away the dark spots or dark circles under the eye.
Important Things to Consider While Buying Vitamin E Capsule

After knowing the numerous uses of vitamin E, you will be ready in using them regularly. So, here are some tips you should keep in mind which will help you to buy the best product in the market.
- Check out the expiry date on the strip
- Check out the label to know whether it is natural or artificial or manmade.
- You can find vitamin E in the form of tablets, capsules, soft gels, and oil forms too.
Bottom Line
We Hope, you get a transparent understanding of it and in fact the range of ways to use vitamin E for skin. It works wonders on the skin like it improves the skin texture, hydrates the dry and aging skin with the assistance of various properties. It is also an ideal skincare ingredient, it protects the skin from the enemy including free radicals. Now it is your time to start using it in the right way. What more could you need?
If you have any queries regarding vitamin E use the below comment section to post your queries, our team will be there to offer you the best solution. And if you recognize the other method to use it for skin, be happy to share it with us.
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Useful information.